
Lose Your Virginity/失去童貞

【Lose Your Virginity/失去童貞】

是這樣的,這本書(或應該說只是一些指導圖卡),是我在倫敦流浪時,逛書店看到的,我覺得實在是太有趣深深的吸引我,加上他是用鐵盒裝的於是我就買下它了,實在是太白爛了旁邊還寫著"Stop Masturbating And START LIVING!" (停止自慰,開始生活!)。






1.Missionary/傳教士 - Difficulty 0 / Pleasure 4

-This is the most common sexual position. It's also the least difficult. Just fall on top of each other, and there you have it! Nobody knows why it is called "missionary."although I once dated a girl who used to be a real missionary, and she didn't mind this position. No sir, she didn't mind it all! (Fun Fact: Armadillos also have sex in this position.)
-這是最常見的姿勢也是最簡單的。只要壓在對方身上,就好了! 沒有人知道為何這是叫"傳教士",不過我之前真的跟一個傳教士女生交往,然後她不在意這個姿勢。是的,她完全不在意! (Fun Fact:犰狳也是用這個姿勢性交)

2.Doggy Style/狗性交式 - Difficulty 2 / Pleasure 4

-An intense debate rages over who invented this position. The canines still receive most of the credit (and collect royalties) but there has been a strong push from the rhino lobby in  Congress to change the official name. It's a good position if you don't want your partner to see you bitter tears of shame.
-很激烈的辯論於到底是誰發明了這個姿勢。犬類還是得到大部份的功德(還收取使用費)。不過犀牛大堂在國會示威去改它的正式名稱 (*這連我自己都不知道到底要如何翻,反正就是英式幽默他想表示犀牛也有功德就對了)。但這是一個很好的姿勢如果你的伴侶不想給你看到她羞恥的流淚水。


3.Standing Missionary / 站著的傳教士 - Difficulty 4 / Pleasure 4

-Think people who have sex lying down are lazy? You're damn right! some of us don't have the time to lie down like some lazy loafer---we've got jobs, dammit!
This position is the favorite among important people for whom time is money. President John Kennedy used this position almost exclusively, often while taking phone calls, wearing only his tie and a belt.
-你覺得躺下來做愛的人很懶嗎? 你他媽沒錯! 我們有些人根本沒有時間躺下來像其他懶蟲--我們有工作欸媽的逼!

3.Virtual embrace /虛擬的擁抱 - Difficult 2 / Pleasure 1

I don't feel like wasting my time typing this one.

4.Circle Of Desire / 慾望的圈圈 - Difficulty 9 / Pleasure 10

-This very difficult move requires you to get so hot and worked up that you and your partner literally burst into flames. Quickly form a loop and make sure the dog you use is a trained professional.


hey! they've a book about it!

5. Ass Hat / 屁帽 - Difficulty 5 / Pleasure 2

(who does this?!?!)

-I'll admit, this one is really more of a novelty move. If it's a rainy day, and you're bored, and the two of you are stuck inside...give it a whirl.



7.The Car Crash / 車禍 - Difficulty 6 / Pleasure 3

- Like a grisly auto accident, you and your partner will be unable to take your eyes off each other. This move is even better when performed on the side of a highway.


8.Jackknife / 折刀式 - Difficulty 6 / Pleasure 7

-Balance is key in this position, as well as good, strong core muscles. this acrobatic move was adapted from a stunning set piece I saw in Cirque du Soleil.

9. Nude Descending Staircase / 裸體下樓梯 -  Difficulty 10 / Pleasure -3
(the point is pleasure is -3)

-Here's another one I saw performed at the circus, this time by an Indian swami. To execute it correctly requires tremendous concentration, as well as a ten-foot-long prehensile penis. It hurts really bad, unless you're the one descending, in which case it just feels weird.


10. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon / 巴比倫的空中花園  - Difficulty 10 Pleasure 

-Originally one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, this move requires that you build baked-brick walls whose circuit is 385 stadia. The thickness of the walls should be 32 feet, and their uppermost tiers should rise to 60 cubits. Onto these tiers, place enough topsoil so that even the largest trees can take root. Raise water to the different tiers through a serious of ingeniously made Archimedes screws, which deliver copious amounts of water but are hidden from sight. Place your creation on the banks of the Euphrates to get the full effect. Oh, and then have sex there.

that's it for now folks!!

....敬請期待Part 2